FIRST AID KIT SHANTI A well-stocked first aid kit is essential for handling minor injuries and emergencies. Here’s a basic list of items you might want to include: Basic Supplies Adhesive Bandages - Various sizes for cuts and abrasions. Sterile Gauze Pads - For covering larger wounds. Adhesive Tape - To secure gauze and bandages. Antiseptic Wipes - For cleaning wounds. Antibiotic Ointment - To prevent infection. Hydrocortisone Cream - For itching and rashes. Tweezers - To remove splinters or debris. Scissors - To cut tape, gauze, or clothing. Elastic Bandage - For sprains and strains. Instant Cold Pack - To reduce swelling and pain. Thermometer - To check body temperature. CPR Face Shield - For performing CPR safely. Medications Pain Relievers - Like aspirin, ibuprofen, or acetaminophen. Anti-Diarrheal Medicine - For gastrointestinal issues. Antihistamines - For allergic reactions. Tools and Equipment First Aid Manual - For guidance on treating injuries. Disposable Gloves - To protect yourself and the patient. Alcohol Pads - For disinfecting tools and skin. Burn Cream or Gel - For minor burns. Specialized Items First Aid Instructions for Specific Conditions - If you or your family members have known conditions. Emergency Blanket - For warmth and protection. Elastic Wraps - For sprains or strains. Personal and Custom Items Medications Specific to Family Members - Like EpiPens for allergies. Important Personal Information - Medical history and emergency contacts. Keep your kit in a visible, accessible location, and make sure to periodically check and replace expired or used items.
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